December 20, 2010
Please check this article it has some good points
December 17, 2010
I saw this on Facebook, so I had to share. It made we SMILE and say WOW. It was originally copied from Nappturality & BTOR.
BAA - Big A$$ Afro
BC - Big Chop - i.e. cutting off all your chemically treated hair
Blow out - blow dry
EVOO - extra virgin olive oil (yeah the one from the grocery store
nappyversary - the anniversary of the day you became a napptural
napptural - means natural... if you still have permed ends (even a 1/2 ") you aren't there yet. Your state of mind may contribute to your level of nappturalness too.
scab hair - when u first go natural, you hair has sometimes been affected by the relaxer that has seeped into the follicle. scab hair is dry, crispy sometimes, and doesnt repsond to products, usually needing to be deep conditioned more and eventually trimmed off
TWA - teeny weeny afro (some say "teeny weeny afro" some say "TWA")
twist out - two strand twist, dry, loosen, figer comb to style
PHHB = Panty Hose Head Band
The kitchen area - the back of your hair towards the nape of your neck...
Transitioning - period of time since last relaxer before going natural.
Transitioners count from the date of their last chemical treatment.
CNAPP - someone with napps that feel like cotton
No Poo - washing with conditioners
CO - Condition Wash/No-Poo
DC - deep condition
ACV rinse - apple cider vinegar rinse--diluted to about 1:10 vinegar to water (or some variation)
eo - essential oil
DDTA - Daily Defense Tender Apple Conditioner
MA - Mane Attraction (Products by Seoul)
SK - Sun Kissed (product by Seoul)
Dusting: Cutting 1/8 of an inch off the hair everywhere
poo bar - shampoo bar
AVG - aloe vera gel
CDHHB - Carol's Daughter Healthy Hair Butter
EVOO - Extra Virgin Olive Oil
CON - Creme of Nature
FOEAVG - Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera Gel
RMEO - rosemary essential oil
OO - olive oil
Creamy Crack - Relaxer
PJ - Product Junky
PLOPPING: a technique where after you have cleansed your hair, you wrap the hair in an old t-shirt. This is done to gently dry hair (without the loops in the towels, which can tangle your hair), and is supposed help with curl definition. You can also use this technique the day after styling when you want to 'wet and reset' to get another day for your 'do.'
BSS: Beauty Supply Store
CFC: Chemical fire cream/ relaxer
HHG: Happy hair growing
APL: arm pit length
BSL: bra strap length
KCCC: Kinky Curly Curling Custar