Greetings, we decided to create a blog to keep you in the loop of BrownEyed Girlz Tees. As we launch new designs, what's happening, where and when we are participating in EVENTS that you might be interested in attending.
We fiercely rock our natural hairstyles. We both have experienced the ups and downs of leaving the relaxer behind to enter the world of Natural FREEDOM! We would like to keep you informed about Natural Hair Events, your natural hair, share personal tips on haircare to help others out that are deciding to take that journey into becoming NATURAL. Sometimes we all need an encouraging word to know you're not alone and you can do this. We are natural sisters who have EMBRACED who we are.
BrownEyed Girlz Tees
Charlotte, NC
Disclaimer: Please be advised that all of our designs have been copyrighted, and our Peace Lady silhouette has been trademarked and is officially registered with the United States Patent & Trademark Office. If you have any questions, regarding our logo or copyrighted images,feel free to email